KLASH! L’art en acte
Author : Frank Perrin
Production : APRES Production, URUBU Films, Manifeste ! & ARTE FRANCE
With the support of the CNC & CNAP
Format : 20 x 3 minutes
Broadcasting : ARTE FRANCE
Themes : arts and culture, performance, history and society
Broadcasting on arte.tv from October 10th 2022, right here !
Official series launch on Monday, October 10th 2022 at 7pm in Centre Pompidou (Paris).
KLASH! L’art en acte, traces the History of singular and often impertinent artistic acts that have marked the History of art as well as the History of everything. This collection of short films of 3 minutes proposes to discover the History of art in a new light, far from galleries and museums, often in the street and in public space, in action and interaction with an audience.
Each episode unfolds the History of the act in its multiple dimensions, from the intention to the result, from the cause to the effect, from the gesture to its consequences, thus contextualized in its time and in the History of art. It is the secret History of a radical artistic act that dialogues with current societal issues such as: global capitalism, feminism, the environmental issue, the condition of the homeless, the Arab Spring… The original context of each act then strongly echoes our time.